Who cares what other people think, be who you want to be , wear what you want to wear and enjoy the little things in life.
I have a three year old daughter who lives in princess dresses. Whenever she can put on her princess dress she does.
This got me thinking, why couldn't I wear a princess dress everywhere I go, oh yeah that's right, because it's not professional and most people would think I'm crazy!
This brings me back to my daughter and how she doesn't care what anyone thinks and she will wear whatever she wants when she wants.
Maybe we should think the same way. Maybe we shouldn't care so much about what other people think and wear what makes us happy and if we think it looks good then great!
#WearYourPrincessDress #EnjoyTheLittleThings #BrigetteModglinREALTOR® #ReaganRocksPrincessDresses
Reagan in her Elsa Dress on our Longjohns Longboard. #LongJohnsLongboards
Reagan in her Aerial Dress